Fish parcel is a self taught club DJ and also the founder of ‘Fish Parcel and Friends’ a monthly nightlife event that focuses on the freshest hip-hop music. His range allows him to play in most Cape Town clubs (Such as Sneaker Cartel, waiting room, as well as some of the biggest festivals. His love for music and DJing stems from a keen interest in Hip-hop music from a very young age.
“I’m just a really huge hip-hop fan and I believe it’s the cornerstone for DJing. After all, that’s how it all started, with people scratching and remixing instrumentals and having people rapping over that”. Fish Parcel said when asked where it all started.
Apart from being a DJ, Fish Parcel is also a Medical student at the University of Stellenbosch Time management is extremely crucial to him. “It’s important to have people to delegate to”. something he attributes his success to. At the moment his goal is to become a music producer. He explains that DJing is helping to facilitate the process because it allows him networking opportunities where he gets introduced to other DJ’s and producers at events.
Parcels, as he is affectionately known, adds that he is very meticulous with his work and he tries to teach himself as much as he can to polish and perfect his craft. “A lot of people think they can just rap or create a simple beat and they will automatically blow up. It doesn’t work like that”. He emphasises the importance of growing one’s brand through hard work instead of clout.
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